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Saturday, March 8, 2008

I feel like I will be the most educated patient: Bariatric surgery

From “Aquameliza,” age 38:
My PCP has given me a referral and I have my first appointment with my surgeon (Dr T at BWH in Boston) on 2/27/08. I cannot wait, but am terrified of not getting insurance approval. I have Harvard Pilgrim HMO - the plan and my employer allow for bariatric surgery and do not appear terribly strict on the requirements, but becuase I want this so badly, I am sure that something will prevent me from getting approval.

I have been thinking about this surgery for more than 5 years. A girlfriend went to Mexico to have it done then and watching her lose weight effortlessly made me soooo jealous. However, I also watched her gain weight back because she did not get fills or follow any program or get any real support. I learned from her that the only way to do this is to do it all the way and follow whatever they tell me to do. Another friend had it done at the same hospital with insurance coverage 2 years ago and looks great. Finally, my father was banded in January and for a man who could never lose weight- he has lost 26 pounds.

I feel like I will be the most educated patient - I read everything there is to read, have watched the surgery on the web and have discussed this with my therapist. Honestly, I do not know what I will do if I am turned down. I can't even think about it - the idea of starting ANOTHER diet makes my stomach hurt and my head ache. I cannot walk into another Weight Watchers Week one meeting - or eat any more cabbage soup or try any more pills - I have even bought ones not approved by the FDA from Hong Kong - how crazy is that???!! Diets have been nothing but bad for me- I lose 20 pounds only to gain back 25. Aurgh!!!!

I guess I am writing to see if anyone else went through this or is going through this same thing now. I feel a little obsessive and do not like that - I wish I could stop thinking about it, but I feel like the next stage of my life is on hold until I get the thumbs up and have a surgery date.

Anyone else ever feel like this??

Advice: Become a thoroughly educated patient before undergoing any elective surgery.

Browse for related stories in the index at the very bottom of this page, or read another _elective surgery story.

Thanks to Aquameliza for the source, her comment at lapbandtalk.com

1 comment:

Too bad, such a pretty face! said...

I know how you feel. I have been overweight my whole life literally. I can loose 17 lbs one week ( medifast ) then gain 12 the next. But I am leary of the GB surgry... too much too lose I am in a program but I feel like that's my only option... 50 yrs old 25 yr diabetic time is running out!!