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Thursday, April 16, 2009

The bleeding was mysterious: Re-admission to the hospital

Here's the story of Jocelyn Angel Mommy of Melbourne, Florida, found on Nikki's Project Angel Mommy on MySpace:

I married a man who already had two children (then ages 11 and 9) from his first marriage. It was my only marriage and I had no children and I really wanted to have my own but I had to wait till he was ready which took more than 6 years. We did conceive quickly though and I found out I was pregnant on my 36th birthday in April 2004. My pregnancy was rough on me -- I was extremely nauseated and vomiting a lot for the first couple of months. But I was starting to feel better and get excited around halfway through and I allowed myself to believe I would really be bringing a baby home.

On Aug. 10, 2004, at 22 weeks, I started bleeding at home. I was admitted to Labor & Delivery and the bleeding was mysterious but they found my blood pressure to be extremely high. Although I was released the next day with meds (bleeding had stopped), the BP didn't come down so I was readmitted a few days later. I was in the hospital for another 10 days but nothing they did kept my BP down so I was transferred to a larger hospital in Orlando on Aug. 24th. There I got very sick very quickly and was diagnosed with severe pre-eclampsia and HELLP syndrome...my life was in immediate danger and my only chance was to deliver the baby immediately.

[HELLP syndrome, a variant of pre-eclampsia, stands for: Hemolytic anemia, Elevated Liver enzymes and Low Platelet count, according to Wikipedia.]

Jocelyn was one of the people whose "bounce-back" re-admission to the hospital can indicate that the quality of care during her first hospital admission had been sub-par. This is a disturbingly common occurrence. In a recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine of April 2, Dr. Stephen Jencks and his collaborators found that one-fifth (20%) of Medicare inpatients were re-admitted within a month of their discharge. The results: great suffering, like Jocelyn's, and great costs, many of them unnecessary.

Apparently, many of the re-admitted people in the study had not seen their primary care doctor between the two inpatient stays. Dr. Jencks found that half of the patients with medical (i.e., non-surgical) discharges had not had a doctor's office visit between the two hospitalizations.

Advice to people who are leaving the hospital: Make sure you see your primary care provider right away, and make sure he or she knows you've just left the hospital.

Thanks to Jocelyn and Nikki.


Survival Kits said...

Wow, what a story. Thanks for sharing!

Roberto Glaubach said...

in this case the story had a happy end.My daughter Veronica Glaubach,admitted in the huntington memorial hosp.Pasadena,on June 30th,2002 to deliver my granddaughter indina Agote Glaubach,was,at the time of admission a 2high risk patien" thanks to a mild preclampsia warned on prenatal records but never taken into accopunt by hospital nurses and docs.She delivered the baby (had HBP during labor).Thereafter started with huge uper abdominal pain,nausea,blurred vision,spot lights seeing.Dro geronimo Rodriguez OBGYN,by telephone prescripted Tylñenol and mylanta (he diagnosed post partum pain and a probable gastritis !!!).Another OBGYN Joseph Y Li Md prescripted a liquid diet !!!. Horrible lack of knowledge,irresponsible misdiagnosis. Just medical ignorance !!.She daied few hours
after bleeding even by her eyes.without any accurate treatment.Sued,hospital and docs lawyers admitted the malpractice(off the record) and settled the case in 550,000 to my grandchild.The corrupted Medical Board and Registered Nursing Board of california even facing strong evidens stated by a half dozen of experts,protected doctors and nurses,even ignoring a ten sheets report suscribed by the experts & investigators of the Public Health Service. Malpractice is a consequence of a wide medical crisis in USA.See:veronicaglaubachmalpracticeinusa.blogspot.com